Upcoming Events


 Lloyd’s Koffee Klatch

The name belies what this new activity is all about. Starting Saturday, February 26, 2022, and continuing on the 4th Saturdays of each month,   an event suggested by David Richey will open up the Post to any and all veterans for the morning to enjoy coffee, doughnuts, and great comradery. It’s named after Lloyd E. Hutcheson, the same person our Post is named after. The event will start at 9:00 AM and continue until 11:30 AM (or so). David intends to invite vets from across the valley including those active duty people at Gowen Field. Always looking for help, if you would like to join in, or just come for coffee, contact Dave at: westpac65@sonic.net.

American Legion Post Meetings

Our  Post meetings are on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 1900. Face masks are optional, hand sanitizer may be used when entering the building, and we will be practicing social distancing. For those who would prefer to attend the meeting online, a notice of how to connect with Zoom will be distributed to all members.

N7LGN Ham Club Meetings

Our regular monthly meetings are at 1900  on the 4th Thursday in the Veterans Memorial Building. The same COVID-19 precautions as the Post meetings will be observed.  Our guest speaker, David Hunter, will Zoom in for the meeting. Pizza will be at 1845 with the meeting to follow.

Sons of the American Legion

Our SAL Squadron meetings are on the 2nd Tuesday of the month beginning at 1800 at the Veterans Memorial Building, 22 W. Broadway, Meridian.


SAL Officers